Our History
Since 1984 Paul Prager of PRAGER CASINO PRODUCTIONS, CORP. has been providing Casino Night fun as well as participatory game style events.
If imitation is the best form of flattery then our company has surpassed that high honor. Chances are, contacting any other Casino Night style company in south Florida you will be met with either someone that has worked for us or has tried to copy our high end designs.
Why gamble with the success of your event when the leader and innovator is just a click or a phone call away.
Our Philosophy
At PRAGER CASINO PRODUCTIONS, CORP. we believe that not only does the customer come first but our goal is to Exceed Expectations.
Quotes, presentations, videos and pictures are fine to get an idea or concept across but for special events the real deal is cinched at setup, run of show and strike. At every level through entire process our attention to detail is what inspires us to create spectacular parties and maintain our happy customer base.
From home parties of just a few guests, corporate parties of 1,000 plus, country club and social to Fundraisers we guarantee to "Exceed your Expectations."

About Us
